Published on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 at 12:00:00 AM
Protect yourself and the people around you from contracting a serious disease by getting vaccinated. Immunisation not only protects you and your own family but also protects the vulnerable people in your community. This means that the more people who get vaccinated, the lower the risk of people getting infected, preventing the spread of disease.
How do vaccinations work?
The vaccinations utilise your body’s immune system to increase protections to an infection before you come in contact with that infection. This helps you build immunity to the disease by triggering your immune system’s memory to fights against the disease and prevent it from developing. Immunisation can keep you safe and healthy by building your body’s natural defence mechanism.
Who needs to be vaccinated?
It is recommended for EVERYONE to be vaccinated in order to receive immunisation from serious diseases. However, there are some exceptions, including people with a serious medical condition such as a weak immune system. Check with your GP to get advice on whether you can get vaccinated.
If most of us are vaccinated, it can stop and diminish the spread of disease, protecting everyone. Vaccination is recommended if you:
• Are a newborn or young child
• Have a newborn baby
• Are pregnant or planning for a baby
• Are caring for very young babies (parents, grandparents, teachers, carers, etc)
• Are an older person
• Have plans to travel outside Australia
• Are medically at risk due to certain conditions (such as asthma) or treatment

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