Registered Training Organisation
Wirraka Maya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation is the first Aboriginal Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in the Pilbara region. We aim to be actively involved in improving employment opportunities through training in health and community services.
Course Description
Wirraka Maya currently offers the following accredited qualification:
HLT40213 - Cert IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
Certificates in ATSI Primary Health Care (Practice)
This qualification allows you to work within a team as an Aboriginal Health Worker. It provides you knowledge and skills that allows you to work effectively within a primary health care setting. This includes both the clinical setting and community outreach programs.
Wirraka Maya Aboriginal Health Service Corporation RTO
National Provider Number: 52115
Course Core Units
CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically.
HLTAHW005 Work in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
Islander primary health care context.
HLTAHW006 Facilitate and advocate for the rights
and needs of clients and community members.
HLTAHW016 Assess clients physical wellbeing.
HLTAHW017 Assess and support clients social and emotional wellbeing.
HLTAHW018 Plan, implement and monitor health care
in a primary health context.
HLTAHW019 Deliver primary health care programs for
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
HLTAHW020 Administer medications.
HLTAHW037 Support the safe use of medicines.
HLTAHW021 Provide nutrition guidance for specific
health care.
HLTAHW022 Address social determinates of Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander health.
HLTAID003 Provide first aid.
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and
control policies and procedures.
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety.
Students are also expected to complete 7 electives, these are not listed as they may change according to students’ needs.
Course Costs
The course cost is as follows;
- Standard Fee: $5,557.50
- Concession Fee: $1,658.70
These fees are indicative only and may be subject to change. Additional resource fees may apply. Students individual circumstances will be considered during enrolment.
Interested students may discuss about the fees and paying options with the RTO staff.
Enrolment at Wirraka Maya RTO provides pathways into different career opportunities, or further career development. If you are interested in studying with us or would like to find out more, please complete an Expression of Interest form and return to Wirraka Maya.
HLT40213 - Expression of Interest Form
- Email to
- Bring to our Wellbeing Centre Reception at 17 Hamilton Road, SOUTH HEDLAND or
- Mail to RTO Coordinator, PO Box 2523, SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722
- Phone (08) 9172 0444 for more information
Please contact RTO Coordinator on 91720444 for any queries regarding the Course & Support services.